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A member registered Nov 08, 2019

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Bad, sad news. I'll be leaving the jam today, as I don't think I'll be able to complete the demo within the amount of time, or even within this state. Working with TyranoBuilder, sadly, brings up a lot of bad memories that leave me angry and frustrated, and that's excluding how it feels like I've burnt myself to ashes trying to finish what I could within the generous two weeks as a one man team (even with royalty free music and sound effects at my finger tips, it was frustratingly difficult to get things done at a rate and quality I was happy with).  

I deeply apologize for wasting everyone's time. Perhaps one day the finished project will surface in some form, but this was a good learning experience for my limits.

Oh my goodness sorry for being slow, I've been working hard on CGs and getting things together. I have work coming up so I'm trying to get what I can done. 

So here's a preview of some CGs coming up, or one of the versions of it. Hopefully what I present will be at the very least a decent blueprint. I'm very very sorry for being so slow!

Update: I've been hard at work at making cutscene graphics! As the "gimmick" of the VN is two distinct route, there's two different versions of the same scene! Here's a preview of the same scene but in two flavors.

Another update! Been working on implementing the script and getting things together! Of course, I can't give too many plot details yet (want to keep it a surprise!) but depending on the route you take, there will be an important difference: whether Dancia has a pet rabbit or a pet cat

Sorry for the lack pf updates! I had a pretty weird day yesterday, and what I did get done was mostly script related stuff. Since that's story stuff, I can't quite leak the deets on that yet. But, I can at least post this funny line

Daily dev log time! A visual novel is nothing without characters, so here's the major players in Celescribe!

Dancia Sumner: A lonely 13 year old girl who's very distant to everyone around her and enjoys reading.

Etolly: A being called a Celesprite that comes from a magical place in the sky, and member of the Star Court. They're still a baby, so they can't say much, but they're curious and very sweet.

Solly: A Celesprite and member of the Solar Court. They're very much a person who follows their gut instincts, and not much one for thinking.

Lunny: A Celesprite and member of the Lunar Court. They're reserved and quiet, and always think things through clearly.

Also, Solly and Lunny are twins, Etolly is their younger sibling.

(1 edit)

Hello! I'm going to be making a project called Celescribe, a visual novel with two versions of the same story (that happens to avoid a lot of the things Visual Novels are notorious for)! As Visual Novels are very plot heavy, I won't say too much beyond the little bits I'll give. I'm using TyranoBuilder to make it since I'm a very visuals type person honestly.

So far, here's the title screen without any buttons. I look forward to keep posting various updates about it! c: